We know what you’re thinking — male menopause, really? Yep. Just as women go through hormonal changes, men often experience a drop in their testosterone levels, which can lead to reduced libido and erectile problems, as well as low self-confidence and motivation.
The thing is, it’s not only found in older guys. Doctors are now seeing the symptoms of male menopause — also known as andropause — in young men too.
After the age of 30, men will generally experience a 1% drop in testosterone each year, but certain lifestyle factors can make it happen much sooner. The culprits? Stress, poor nutrition, being overweight, and irregular sleep patterns.
And while for some young men the issue of decreasing testosterone is genetic, there are some things you can do to slow it down. Here’s how:
Exercise: While running marathons is suspected to lower testosterone, lifting dead weights is a great way to boost it.
Eat well: Focus on consuming things that the body can metabolize slowly, like high-fiber fruit and vegetables, and whole grains.
Sleep more: The better you sleep, the more testosterone you’re likely to produce.
Read more about male menopause here.
Originally published at https://getmaude.com.