Tips For Long-Distance Relationships.

4 min readApr 22, 2020


Let’s be honest-people in long-distance relationships truly deserve some recognition. Not only do they put in a tremendous amount of extra effort each day to be in touch and feel a sense of closeness to their partner(s) from afar, but they’re also usually void of sex for days, weeks, or even months at a time. Studies say that close to 14 million people have long-distance relationships in the US, which makes the concept something that’s become very common.

While sex isn’t always required for a strong, healthy relationship, it’s certainly something that makes couples feel more intimately bonded. And if you abruptly go from lots of sex to no sex, it’s very likely that you’ll strongly feel that absence in the bedroom department. While distance can often add something to a relationship, it doesn’t change the fact that if you and your partner have desires. Luckily with our modern advances in technology, couples living far away from one another can still enjoy a fulfilling sex life with a little creativity and the magic of the internet.

Now, there are many ways to connect and make things as sexy as if your partner was right beside you. And even if you’re in close proximity to your partner on a daily basis, you should check out our list of ideas-they may make you want to book a solo trip, just to try them out.

As the saying goes, distance makes the heart (and that sexual spark) grow fonder.

Get Comfortable

Studies say that the key to LDR’s is to create and hold on to moments of intimacy from far away. This comes from open communication and being comfortable discussing your feelings, desires, and needs with your partner(s). Listen to what they need as well, and discuss the best ways to maintain a sense of closeness. Also, don’t be shy-this is a special time to experiment with various intimate activities that you’ve perhaps not tried before. Do things that you both feel comfortable with and learn to communicate your desires in an honest, vulnerable way.

The Art of Sexting

Texting is the easiest way to feel in contact with another person throughout the day and let them know they’re on your mind, and sexting has become such a powerful way of staying connected. Use this to your advantage and take it to another level by frequently sharing the sexy thoughts that are ruminating in your head. Your partner(s) definitely want to know what you’re thinking, and they’ll feel encouraged to share their thoughts and desires with you, too.

Phone Sex

Sexting can definitely be hot, but hearing your partners’ voice on the other end of the phone can take things up a notch. When we talk on the phone, we’re using our voices to communicate thoughts, feelings, and ideas instead of relying on quick messages and emojis to do the job. Voice communication is great for any type of relationship, but especially for long-distance couples because the act of communication is so important. You also don’t have to be a pro to successfully master dirty talk. Just simply sharing your thoughts and what you want allows for a vulnerable place of communication to open up between you and your partner(s).

Send Photos

Of course, you should only do what you feel comfortable doing, but sending photographs and visuals to your partner(s) can be enough to really get things going. Even if the idea feels foreign, you may find that trying out new things such as talking dirty or sending sexy photographs can be fun and even feel a little empowering.

Surprises Are Sexy

In the days before modern technology, people used to write letters to each other as their sole form of communication. In our highly connected world, it’s thoughtful and surprising to connect or communicate with our partner(s) in unique ways. Take a moment to write a letter to your partner and tell them how you’re feeling, what you’re missing about them, and what you want to do when you see them. Words are definitely enough to stop your partner(s) in their tracks. Just receiving your sexy or thoughtful words by snail mail will be enough to make them feel loved, thought of, and make their head spin a little bit.

Date Nights

While you may not be able to physically be together for long periods of time, it’s still exciting to schedule a “date night” from afar. Make up a time each week to get together and watch a movie, have dinner, or engage in sexy activities via phone or video chat. If you’re able to schedule this time to really enjoy something together, these date nights can give you something to look forward to and offer a moment of being completely focused on one another.


In order to make LDR’s work, it’s paramount to constantly communicate with each other in order to prevent your significant other from feeling jealous or insecure. You have to be open and honest with your partner(s) and have discussions about big topics such as betrayal, and emotional and sexual infidelity. Sometimes people have very different ideas of what’s OK and what’s not OK within the bounds of the relationship, so it’s incredibly important to get on the same page from the start and periodically check-in to see how you’re both feeling.

Originally published at




Written by maude

A direct-to-consumer, modern sexual wellness brand, maude is on a mission to destigmatize sex through quality, simplicity, and inclusivity.

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