Does a particular day of the week, month, season, soften the blow of your romantic demise?
Globally speaking, there are any number of scenarios ill-suited to a break-up: Hamilton intermission, your aunt’s funeral, your wedding, someone else’s wedding, et al. The logic here is fairly digestible: It’s tactless to corrupt an otherwise significant event by diluting it with your personal brand of romantic tragedy. Just, like, wait a second.
Beyond the obvious calendar highlights, though, there is some merit to the question of strategic break-up timing. Is there a particularly generous moment for the cauterizing of a relationship? Does a particular day of the week, month, season, soften the blow of your romantic demise? Must rules of timing always be tailored to the partnership at hand?
Of course, there is no scientific answer, here. But there are a few theories at play. And in a general Internet Poll (conducted by yours truly), respondents showed some trends. Overall, responses fell into 5 primary categories:
Relish the weekend as either an opportunity to lash out (go wild, if you will) or recover (think: ice cream in bed) before the week begins again.
“Friday because you can booze cruise through the weekend and resurface on Monday anew” — Emma B.
“I have a formula for this. Never ever sunday. A Thursday breakup gives you the opportunity to take a Friday sick day, and a three day weekend is never a bad idea when recovering romantically.” — Hannah F.
“Saturday. Because then you go out and do something messy.” — Buddy B.
A late winter break-up is favorable, being that spring is all about starting anew.
“I think March is a good break up month — perfect sulking weather, then a fresh start with the impending spring” — Erin M.
“In the spring or late winter so you can gear up for fun in the summer. March is the perfect breakup month.” — Lizzy G.
I prefer a broken spirit in the winter” — Emma T.
Weekdays are no fun, anyway. What’s one more crisis?
“A thursday on the third week of any given month, so a new month will feel like a blank slate.” — Ashley A
“Wednesday in early summer. Maximum fun to follow” — Aaron S.
“If you break up with someone on a Monday or a Friday, you’re an asshole. Wednesday is preferable. It’s forgettably tucked in the middle of the week (and it gives you 2 days to plan weekend redemption).” — Sylvia C.
Never…or, Always:
Why delay the inevitable?
“There’s definitely no best time of year because, if it’s gonna happen…” — Tavo D.
“When you’re sick and tired of being sick and tired” — Lisa G.
“There’s never a good time to break hearts” — Ben O.
“Never hump day.” — Ally A.
Originally published at