Natural Libido Boosters.

3 min readApr 17, 2022


Three ways to put the wind back in your sails.

It’s true that our libidos can change as we grow older, along with hard held notions of what an active sex life looks like in middle and older age. And while the dreaded gloom of erectile dysfunction can loom over men of any age, it casts a particularly long shadow for men who’ve passed the 40 year mark.

According to the Massachusetts Male Aging Study, mild to moderate erectile dysfunction showed up in 52% of men aged 40–70. The study also shows ED was strongly related to health status and emotional function. Medical conditions such as heart disease, medications such as common antidepressants or blood pressure tablets, and lifestyle choices like being inactive were also shown to lead to various degrees of ED.

But thanks to its unforeseen yet fortunate side effect of giving men more erections, Viagra — the drug originally designed to combat high blood pressure — has been the bearer of better boners for the past 20+ years. Erectile dysfunction wasn’t even in a particularly common phrase until Pfizer coined the term in its marketing for the new pill.

Unfortunately, like a lot of things that surround the topics of aging and sexual wellness, mere mention of a sexual performance aid comes with a heavy set of stigmas. And while treatments like Viagra are extremely accessible, it’s not always easy to admit they’re needed.

Luckily, for those worried about what kind of signal it might send to have to pop a little blue pill before sex, or for those who just don’t like the idea of adding another chemical to their body, there are natural alternatives that have been shown to improve and strengthen erections. Just ask, and Mother Nature shall provide. Here are three common natural aides:

Horny Goat Weed

A rather provocatively named sexual supplement that, according to research by the University of Michigan neurologists, contains a compound called lacariin, which stimulates nerves and boosts testosterone levels, making it easier to feel aroused. Chinese folklore claims the plant was discovered by a goat herder who noticed his male goats became sexually aroused after eating it.

Maca Powder

The root extract of this South American plant contains what are called macamides and macaenes — unique photochemicals, which restore hormone levels and boost energy in both sexes. Sarah Dobbyn, author of The Fertility Diet, tells Men’s Health magazine that “for men, it’s one of the most potent aphrodisiacs available — it not only helps maintain erections but also increases seminal volume, sperm count and sperm motility.”


This mushroom extract can help boost testosterone and blood flow. It’s main ingredient is a sugar called ‘fucose’ which is also found in human breast milk. “It’s a natural sugar which plays an anti-aging role in the body, facilitating cell communication and increasing blood flow to the sexual organs,” says Dr. John Briffa of University College London’s Medical School. One word of ward, again from Sarah Dobbyns: “I’ve had complaints from single men taking this, saying they couldn’t sleep for feeling so aroused.”Originally published at




Written by maude

A direct-to-consumer, modern sexual wellness brand, maude is on a mission to destigmatize sex through quality, simplicity, and inclusivity.

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