How to Write a Love Letter.

2 min readMay 20, 2022


When was the last time you picked up a pen?

Perhaps you’ve mastered the art of sexting, or sliding into people’s DMs with clever innuendo and witty banter. But have you ever sat down and penned an old-school love note to someone? And we’re not talking about the “Will you go out with me? Check Y or N” kind of note you might have slipped your middle-school crush.

If you can’t remember the last time you even picked up a pen, let alone wrote a message to someone that was longer than a few sentences, we’re here to help. Here’s our maudern guide to writing a love letter.

Start with an outline.
Unless you’ve got a special knack for speaking from the heart and articulating your emotions, it’s a good idea to jot down the basics of what you want to say first before penning the actual letter. Once you’ve got your basics structure down, then you can whip out the fancy notepaper. (That said, if your handwriting skills are a little rusty, you might want to write a draft or two first.)

Focus on specifics.
Need some hints to get those words flowing? Write down all the things that you love about your partner. Or list the ways they make you happy and how they’ve made a difference in your life. Try to be as specific as possible — the more personalized your words are, the more meaningful it will be.

Be yourself.
Your partner (hopefully) fell in love with you because you’re you. So there’s no need to sound too formal — unless, of course, that’s your normal style. Write things down just as you would say to them to the person if they were right in front of you.

Opt for a stealthy delivery.
The great thing about a handwritten love note — as opposed to a text or email — is that it’s something tangible and is often unexpected. Tuck it into your beloved’s coat pocket, or in their suitcase before they depart on a trip, or leave it somewhere in their apartment to be discovered when they’re alone.

Read more about how to write a love letter.

Originally published at




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